Meditations for Grief

Any day can be a challenge in the midst of grief and loss.

Special occasions, anniversaries and holidays can add extra burdens.

Sleep or sense of ease may not be attainable at times.

Included in this course are:

* Introductory guidance on how to practice and support yourself as you meditate, and

* Eight (8) meditations.

These meditations from contemplative wisdoms are offered to routinely help ease the suffering, offer a bit of calm, and tranquility.

May they be supportive on your grief journey.

I am also including a video lesson to guide you so that you can recognize and work with your zones of comfort, while you meditate and throughout your day as you manage grief and difficulties.

As a trauma informed mindfulness and grief educator, it is important for me to offer extra support and care, even when you are practicing on your own.

All Rights Reserved ©2023 - Yasemin Isler

Copyright Notice

All courses and meditations are for the purchaser’s personal use.

Not to be duplicated or used for any professional use by the purchaser under any circumstance.

Yasemin Isler ©2021

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