Start with the Right Foundations
You will
* gain the right understanding to do the practice
* learn simple and quick ways to practice for when you don’t have enough time in your busy life
* learn practical ways to be mindful throughout your day
* receive tips for maintaining well-being and resilience through your day
* be guided through practices for a mindful and compassionate attitude for more focus, calm and resilience.
* learn how to sustain your practice
* learn about the fundamentals of how to practice mindfulness [it is more than the breath!]
What is included?
In the video, you will be gradually guided through the foundational concept, theory and brief practices for mindfulness, to get you started in the right direction.
Course Instructor
Yasemin Isler is full-time faculty in Lesley University Mindfulness Studies Master's Degree program, certified to teach multiple mindfulness programs, mindfulness teacher trainer and mentor, founder of Tuned Minds and Grief Circles. Taught by masters in Theravada and Zen traditions, she has been practicing mindfulness for over 40 years.
Copyright Notice
All courses and meditations are for the purchaser’s personal use.
Not to be duplicated or used for any professional use by the purchaser under any circumstance.
Yasemin Isler ©2021